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The EDLab team meets in Lyon for discussing the design of the European Degree Label’s template

The EDLab team met on June 16th at the University of Lyon 1 for the 1st EDLab Workshop “Design of the Joint European Degree Label”. The event gathers together 19 representatives from of the 4 European University Alliances involved in the project (Arqus, Enlight, Eutopia and SEA-EU).

The workshop, an highly interactive debate, focused on the following topics:

  • Mapping and screening of existing Joint Programmes.

  • Design and testing of the label.

  • Design and template for the Joint European Degree Label.

  • Digital credentials and Joint Programmes.

The first session presented and discussed the preliminary outcomes of the two surveys conducted during the first phase of the EDLab project. The first survey mapped the existing Joint Programmes and the second one focused on the sustainability of the label’s draft criteria.

These results will be crucial in the design of a template for a joint European Degree Label/Certificate, discussed in the second and third sessions of the workshop. The event ended with a discussion about the actual design of the label introduced by the intervention of the Director of the Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence (CIMEA) in Italy, Chiara Finocchietti, who provided an overview of the recent evolution in digital credential awarding.

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