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Blueprint for a European degree

"Many of us have dreamed of studying at different universities across Europe and ending up with one universally recognised diploma. We move a step closer to making that dream a reality.
Born from the aspirations of students and the ambition of higher education institutions, the European Commission is set to unveil a blueprint for a European degree tomorrow. This is our collective step toward broader horizons, unlocking new possibilities for everyone in the European higher education sector.
This European degree, based on common criteria and recognised everywhere in the European Union, promises much more than the chance to study abroad. It is about preparing for life in an increasingly interconnected world. It's about learning in a way that’s deeply relevant, not just for today, but for tomorrow.
A true passport to opportunity."

Research and Education commissioner, Iliana Ivanova, announces the presentation of the new blueprint for a European degree at tomorrow's meeting of the European Commission.

From the first information available it is clear that the results and suggestions of EDLab and the other pilot projects, together with the work carried out in these years by the Alliances, had a big impact on the shaping of this new Higher Education package.

Follow the press conference tomorrow just after the College meeting around 11:00 on EbS:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.



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