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EDLab Pilot Label Certificate

The EDLab project is one of six pilot projects selected by the European Commission in 2022 to examine, test and facilitate the delivery of a joint European degree label, based on common criteria. 
With the joint European degree label initiative, the European Union wants to promote integration and innovation in the European higher education landscape, notably through the promotion of joint study programmes, i.e. study programmes that are offered through a cooperation of higher education institutions from different countries.


This webpage provides brief information for holders of a pilot joint European degree label certificate, as developed and issued in the framework of the EDLab pilot project, in particular on the background and meaning of the label certificate.
In general, the joint European degree label certificate testifies that its holder graduated from a joint study programme that meets the criteria for the joint European degree label.
Note: the label certificate holds no value without the presentation of the corresponding joint diploma and diploma supplement alongside of it.
Which programmes are involved?
Through piloting work in the framework of the EDLab project, consisting of survey work and interviews, three joint study programmes were selected to participate in the pilot-awarding of the label certificate based on their compliance with the common criteria, as defined under the pilot action in 2022. Only graduates from these programmes, graduated in 2023, can hold the joint European joint degree label certificate under the EDLab pilot.
These programmes are:
  • International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE)
  • Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Chemical Innovation and Regulation (ChIR)
  • Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL)
What does the label certificate mean in practice?
The holder participated in a highly integrated joint study programme, jointly designed and implemented by higher education institutions situated in different countries, and incorporating joint policies on a.o. selection, admission, degree awarding, student mobility, language of instruction and services throughout the programme. As a consequence, the certificate holder can be regarded as having studied in a truly integrated European higher education environment.
For more information on the precise criteria as defined under the pilot action, please refer to the overview.
The label criteria were co-designed by the European Commission and stakeholders in the European higher education landscape in the course of 2022.”
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.





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