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EDLab I Steering Committee Meeting

Fri, Apr 14


Virtual Google Meet

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EDLab I Steering Committee Meeting
EDLab I Steering Committee Meeting

Time & Location

Apr 14, 2023, 11:00 AM GMT+2

Virtual Google Meet

About the event


  1. [Decision] Approval of the agenda

  1. [Information] Information from the EACEA KoM

  1. [Information] (WP1) Recap of internal communication flows

  1. [Information] (WP1 & WP4) EDLab improvement plan (draft proposal)

  1. [Discussion] (WP1) Revision of due dates (if needed)

  1. [Discussion] (WP2) Connections between WP2 and WP4

  1. [Discussion] (WP2) Partnership Agreement

  1. [Discussion] (WP1?) National coordination groups

“The following institutions will coordinate these:

  • France - Lyon1;
  • Italy – Padua; - first meeting with other HEIs involved in pilot projects planned for end of April (date tbc); meeting with ANVUR on 13/04 (Marilena Mendiaci; Simone Via), very happy to contribute, etc.
  • Portugal - Algarve;
  • Spain - Granada”

  1. [Discussion] (WP1, 4 & 5) Events: Organisation and timing (e.g. webinars’ series and workshops)
    1. General intro webinar (introduction to European Strategy for Universities, European Degree & Label concept, EDlab project)

It should be open to our university communities (with a focus on JP coordinators, but open also to other staff members)

Proposed date: 10 or 11 May 2023, after 12:30 pm →to be decided: date and time + who will present? only Dorothy & UNIPD or all WP Leads? Unipd will take care of the organisation of the webinar, template for invitations, etc.

  1. Webinars’ series

“a webinar-series on key issues related to joint programme development and degree awarding. Topics will include (amongst others): accreditation, issuing of digital certificates; global dimension of joint programmes”

Proposed topics (also based on WP5 survey results): Webinar 1: Accreditation, 25 May afternoon or 26 May morning 2023  (decide on a date and time!) The webinar will include a short presentation of the current situation in the 4 target countries (presented by QA Agencies or Ministries); a short explanation of the European Approach (by Flemish Agency?); focus on existing barriers; Q&A UNIPD will take care of the organisation of the webinar, template for invitations, etc.

Webinar 2: Digital certificates Check with WP4 what the best timing is; involve CIMEA as a speaker

Webinar 3: Global dimension of JP Possible dates: late september / early October Involve speakers from our global networks (UNIMED, Montevideo, etc)

Other ideas?

ANVUR: Mapping results presentation

  1. Workshops

Proposed dates for the workshop in Lyon: June 5/6/8 or 9

  1. Final conference

  1. EDLAB website & dissemination material (WP5) Quick update on progress so far (Giulia)
  2. [Type of agenda item] (WPx) Agenda item

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Download webinar documents

After each webinar slideshows and other materials will be available for download here.

1st EDLab webinar: "European policy experimentation in higher education: piloting a joint European degree label"
May 10th 2023
Screenshot 2023-05-10 alle 15.07.10.png
2nd EDLab webinar: "Accreditation of joint programmes: current practices and future prospectives"
May 26th 2023
Screenshot 2023-06-01 alle 16_edited.jpg
3rd EDLab webinar: "European Degree Label Global Attractiveness"
January 31st 2024
Screenshot 2024-01-31 alle 17.50.25.png
4th EDLab webinar: "The road ahead to a European degree: lessons learned from the European Degree Label institutional laboratory"
April 3rd 2024
Screenshot 2024-04-09 alle 10.13.03.png
EN Co-funded by the EU_PANTONE.jpg

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.



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